Friday, March 26, 2010

Talk with your mouth full

You can tell a lot about a couple by how they interact with each other when they are out for dinner. I am a voyeur when I eat out. Aside from enjoying my meal, I like to play little guessing games about the couples near me. I find this little hobby of mine quite enjoyable. Are they married? Are they having a fight? And sometimes, she is wayyyyy too cute for him.

But, by far the most significant observation that always surprises me is the large number of couples that can sit through an entire meal without uttering one word. How is that possible???

If two people can sit through an entire meal without looking up, making eye contact or having a conversation. Then they SHOULD not be together! If this is you right now, you better evaluate that relationship and run for the hills. If you do not confront this, you might stay together, but you will not be happy, trust me, save yourself the heartache.

Who could eat in silence? I know I cannot. Maybe I am the exception, maybe I just talk too damn much.

OK, so here is the next test. After dinner is over, it is time for dessert, and you order two SEPARATE desserts, this relationship is doomed! If one person prefers the chocolate mousse and the other the apple tart, order the damn strawberry cheesecake! This is the epitome of compromise. How you order your dessert as a couple is a very good indicator of how successful your relationship will be. Bonus points if you share only one spoon, which most likely means…. you are having good sex :)

Next time you are out to dinner with that special someone and you want it to work? Please make eye contact, have a decent conversation and please only order one dessert, preferably with one spoon ;)

Happy Eating!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Dear LOST,

I had such a great time yesterday. I could not wait until we see each other again next week, so I had to write you this letter.

Last night you blew my mind!! I did not think it was possible, but I think I just fell a little bit more in love with you. I hope the feeling is mutual ;)

You gave me answers, you made me understand some of your mysterious ways. I now forgive you for giving me the run around so long, now that I know the truth, I appreciate you a lot more. Thank you for giving me Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell), his performance last night was tremendous! It was almost like watching a Spanish novela! Loved it!

Please keep this momentum going, we are almost home free!!

I heart you.

Your devoted lover,

Leydi Gisell

P.S.: Please give me some additional gratuitous shirt-less scenes of Sawyer and Jack before it is all over, OK? Bye :)

P.S.S: Where are Desmond and Penny???

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOST Relationship Update #2

Sooo, I have not given an update of my relationship with LOST in a while (my friend Jennifer is ready to kill me).

This is partly because I am still trying to figure out how I feel.  There are weeks that after an hour with my lover I am euphoric and then there are weeks than I'm like blahhhh, it was a good episode, but nothing to write home about.  

We've all been there, when your significant other is just not bringing it that night, well LOST hasn't always brought it, you know???

But last week, LOST showed me more passion, some lust, it got me excited again.  It brought back some of that spark from previous seasons and now I am happy again.

Let's hope that in the end LOST can deliver the goods
.  I haven't invested so much time and dedication for nothing! I expect a big pay off in the end and if not, I hope at least I get a happy ending, wink wink ;)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Second City Adventure

Before you begin to read this new post that I wrote while sitting in the airport waiting for my flight back to NYC. Let me express my absolute hatred for Delta Airlines. My 7PM Sunday night flight was delayed three times and then around at 11PM the flight was canceled. At that point, I was tired, hungry and had a headache, after a mediocre steak sandwich for dinner (Delta only gives a $7.00 meal voucher) we had to go and sulk at the DoubleTree hotel in the middle of nowhere, and wait for an afternoon flight the next day, which was also delayed :(

So here goes….

Ohh Chicago… What a great city.

I was recently in Chicago for the NASPA (National Association of Student Personnel Administrators) conference and decided to make a mini vacation out of the trip with my friend and colleague Isaac. NASPA was great; we learned a lot, met a lot of interesting people and got a feel for what our profession is all about. More than 4,000 student affairs professionals flooded the streets of Chicago and Isaac and I were in the middle of it. Not to bore you with student development theory, lets get down to the fun stuff. I know that is what you really want to read about.

Chicago has great food, great sights and great people. The city is very clean and all the beautiful skyscrapers amazed me. We were also lucky enough to have great weather while we were there. I was expecting high winds and snow, but most days the weather did not get below 40 degrees and one day it was even in the 60’s, so take that New York!!! You unfortunately experienced a monsoon while I was gone.

So here is a list of what I liked and did not like about the Second City:


- Deep Dish Pizza
- Lou Mitchell’s – BEST BREAKFAST EVER
- Boystown – This was the Mecca for gay nightlife, so much fun
- You can text, talk and email on your cell phone while on the “L”
- Clean sidewalks
- Millennium Park – very nice


- Not enough street signs
- Cabs come in all different colors - and some cabs look like cop cars which made me very confused, because I kept thinking I would get a ticket for jay walking!!

But in the end, Chicago was a lot of fun and exploring it with Isaac made it so much better. I have not laughed this hard in a really long time and it was refreshing to have another smart-ass Dominican next to me. He laughed at all the same inappropriate things that I would laugh at, and there will be plenty of inside jokes to carry us through to our next adventure (Vegas and/or DR, we will see). We even made it out to “Santo Domingo Beauty Salon”; we all know the lengths I will go to find someone to blow dry my crazy curly head, even if that means getting on the “L” and then a bus to find some Dominican flavor.

I am glad to be back home, I am glad to go back to work and start school again next week, and I am glad to be back to blogging. Chicago gave me many great ideas and a lot of great lines, so stay tuned.

And Delta, you still suck major ass :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Are you connected?

This past weekend, I left my cell phone in the bathroom of a club. No, I was not in a state inebriation. I just forgot it there on the ledge of the sink, and you guys know I lose or forget everything, so why should my expensive new phone be any different?

I was apart from my baby for less than 24 hours and I honestly felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Its crazy the amount of connectivity we need in our lives, or that we "think" we need. Now with the access of text messaging, Facebook, Blackberry Messenger (BBM), and Twitter are we more connected or farther apart? I do not know, I am still trying to figure it out.

I remember a time when I did not have a cell phone, or a Facebook account. I did not even know what a text message was and I still managed to live a satisfactory life. I still hung out with my friends, made plans, and socialized. I wasn’t any less happy because I could not update the online world about what I had for lunch today. 

Who cares really? 

Obviously, we all think people care, because we are all doing it, typing into a phone about what a great time we are having at the latest club. Well are you having such a great time, if you are busy updating your facebook status?

I am not trying to be the moral police here, because I clearly have a problem. But I think it is something we should all think about. Maybe we can put down the phones and laptops for just one second and call someone, go outside, or even try to have conversation that does not involve an emoticon :)

Will it be possible for us as a society to slow down and touch someone (do not be fresh). Will a new phone app be needed for that too?

Now before the critics come out screaming, just know that I am planning to update this blog link on Facebook and Twitter :)